Served by the Blessed Sacrament Congregation!
Please respond to Pope Francis’ call for the World Day of the Poor the weekend of November 16-17, 2024.
Please remember that 25% of the CCHD collection in our diocese stays in Hawaii to extend our hands and arms to others in need here. CCHD funds donated from our parishes have contributed to a variety of effective community efforts including helping houseless survivors of natural disasters rebuild their lives, assisting formerly incarcerated or homeless women with transitional housing and job training, and supporting non-profit organizations helping low-income families build and own affordable housing.
This coming Tuesday, November 19th is the monthly Knights of Columbus meeting, here at St Joseph downstairs meeting room, beginning 6:00pm. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternity of Catholic Men who do projects to help their parish and community. The Knights of Columbus also provides a bundle of benefits such as life insurance, retirement planning and more. Our council covers all parishes on the East side of Hawaii Island. If you are not a Knight, come and check us out and enjoy the fellowship of other Catholic men.
All Catholic men are welcome.
All of our choirs are looking to welcome new members who want to share the gifts that God has given them. Please, speak with any music person at the Mass you attend if you feel called to serve.
Sunday, November 17
come see us after the 9am Mass!
We have crucifix necklaces rosaries advent candles, lotion, trees, and much more!
Bring your favorite dish; vegetables, meat, etc or your favorite soup, or noodle dish. Desserts are also welcome: Fresh fruits, baked goods, etc. Parish will supply: Paper goods, cooked rice, water, tea and coffee.
Please call the rectory office 808-935-1465 with your questions or offers of help. Please leave your name and phone number so we can reach out to you.
Bishop Barron offers inspiring insights into the mystery of Christ's presence in our lives and the centrality of the Eucharist. Too many believers do not understand the mystery of the Eucharist, which Vatican II said is the “source and summit of the Christian life.”
This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.
We are seeking donations of the following items
for our monthly Feed the Hungry Ministry.
Our next meal will be on Thursday, November21.
-Hot Meal Committee
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers and donors who make this meal possible.
Volunteers are also needed and welcomed.
Contact Bernie at (808) 640-8709 for more information.
Arrangements for Mass Intentions need to be done through the front office. We want to ensure that we are listing your prayer requests exactly as you would like it. Mahalo!
Please accompany ALL minors (ages 17 & younger) to the restrooms. It is YOUR kuleana to keep them safe while attending Mass & parish events.
BEWARE of emails pretending to be from the Bishop or our priests and asking for special favors.
They are phishing emails and are a scam.
Please do not respond!!
Call or stop by the office if you have questions.
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Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Classes are held every Monday
at 6 pm in the rectory library.
These classes are available for adults 18 and over seeking the sacraments of initiation which are baptism, confirmation and Holy Eucharist. This includes adults who may already be baptized and receiving Holy Communion, but have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you or a family member or friend is interested, please attend our meeting on Monday evening. Also, those adults desiring to more deeply understand the Teaching of the Church are welcome to attend.
Deacon Charley can be reached at the rectory office for any questions. The next class in on Monday, October 28 at 6 pm in the Library
Religious Education
classes have also begun.
Come join us after the
9 am Mass on Sunday!
Just a friendly reminder that Children’s Liturgy is a program for all children between the ages of 5 through 12. The Word is shared through stories, discussions, pictures and games to convey the message of the Scriptures. Most importantly, they learn how Jesus is present in our lives through the Gospel and the Eucharist.
So please encourage your children and grandchildren to attend and participate in the Children’s liturgy.
For more information, please contact the Religious Education office.
This weekend we kick-off the campaign for `Ohana in Christ. St. Joseph Parish goal for the year is $18,257.00.
You may scan the QR code and fill out the form directly on your cell phone or electronic device. If you prefer there are pledge card available that you can fill out and drop in the collection plate and we will mail them for you.
Or you may wish to make a donation by simply placing your donation into an envelope and placing in the collection plate (there were no OIC envelopes provided this year). Campaign runs until the end of June 2025.
Thank you for being one of God’s stewards and for sharing your gifts. The gifts of your time, talent and treasure make a difference.
Please remember St. Joseph Parish in your will!
St. Joseph Church uses the online portal Vanco for our online giving and can be viewed by accessing the parish website and clicking the online donation button or clicking donate now button below.
For those of you who have considered online giving yet never tried’s the time! Please go to our VANCO site and set up a new user account with them. MAHALO
Thank you
for your support of our parish!
Contact Dcn. Charley Mapa
for possible volunteer opportunities!
Examples: Children's Liturgy, Relgious Education, Altar Serving, Feeding the Hungry, etc. We have weekly, monthly, or other annual event opportunities for you to choose from.
Catholic Stewardship is the commitment to be Christ-centered and grateful to God. It involves living out gratitude, justice, and love by using God's gifts wisely and sharing them generously.
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Triple Crown Accredited